So just the other day Madi stopped by to share some of the things she LOVES... but with her busy schedule (sleeping, eating, taking care of her baby doll, chasing Oliver...she's busy! busy!) she didn't have a chance to list everything that she wanted.... so here are a few more....
The Best Babysitter Ever! (ok, so it will be a couple years before she can do it on her own, but she takes great care of me!)
My Zebra Tu-tu!
Being matchy-matchy with Isa-boo!
These three!
Their Mommy too!
Making a pillow fort to watch a movie from!
My Panda Pillow!
My Blanky!!
Ok so that's close to covering it for now... I just have to get my Momma to take some more pictures of my favorite things & I'll be back to share them all with you again soon!
Alright folks! Listen up! Our little lady has something to tell you!!
Are you ready?
No really, seriously..... are you ready??
Because she's about to let you in on a BIG secret......
Yep! That's right our little family is about to get a little bit bigger!! Our new addition is due Jan 7th! (yes, we apparently like to be consistent with these things... Madi was born Jan 8th! lol) Stay tuned for more exciting pregnancy updates! I just know you all can't wait to hear about the upcoming morning sickness!! (no, it hasn't hit yet....just waiting since I know it's inevitable! Also, to answer the frequently asked question... I'm feeling great! Just a bit tired) We are SUPER EXCITED!!!
Miss Madi-Annie has stopped in to share some of her favorite things....
My Sunglasses!
My Daddy!
Playing dress-up!
My baby doll & stroller!
Did I mention playing Dress-up?
Playing at the park with my pals!
Reading my books!
Using my Daddy as a pillow ( Hey! Oliver likes it too!)
Dinner time!
My best bud Avalee!
My Girls!
Checking out the pretty flowers w/my Grandma!
Eatin' popcorn with my Daddy!
My Momma! (& the carousel too!)
There are SO many other things (& people!!) that I love but I just couldn't put them all on here today... stay tuned for another addition of My Favs!!!......