Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Check out our NINE month old!!

Halen is now 9 months old! He's growing and changing & learning new things EVERY day! It's amazing!
(I try and try to think of a different word to describe my growing kiddos... and yet...
 the only thing that seems to fit the best is AMAZING!! lol) 

On October 4th 2011 we took him in for his 9mth well child check-up, he is now
27 inches tall (12.33%... yes, I made my kids short apparently!) 19 lbs 3.5 oz (28.92%) and his head is 96.32% ( So, I make them short, with GIANT heads....I'm sorry Halen!! Hee-Hee)
(On a side note... Madi came along with us to Halen's appointment, I told her she was coming along to help Halen not be scared, ect. She was to be the "Big Girl Helper".... she was cool with this role. It wasn't until I got there and was told " Halen doesn't need any shots this time around, unless you want to have him get the flu shot.?" I thought about it and decided, yes, we'll do that. Then I thought, Hey.. why not have Madi get hers too while we are at it?... Seems easy enough to me... and the Dr agreed... Madi on the other hand, was not impressed! As the nurse came in with her shot she began to yell/scream "It's NOT MY TURN!" ... I officially felt like the worst mother in the world! I had told her many times as we were going in that it was Halen's turn at the Dr and that she was just going along for the ride... then I pulled this on her... Bad Mommy!!  So, Halen had his flu shot, cried about 60 seconds. Madi got her flu shot next, ended up wailing for roughly 45 mins! I stopped on our way home and got her a yummy strawberry smoothie ( totally Mommy guilt gift! I felt so bad I would have gotten her just about anything she wanted! Luckily, all she wanted was a smoothie!) which ended up helping to make it all better for her. By the time we got to her Auntie Jen's house (Where she was going to hang out & play for a little bit) she was good to go. She was even overheard telling the other kids while she was there, that " Halen cried when he got the 'Pokey' because he is a baby, but I didn't cry at all, because I am a BIG girl!".... hahah...Madi you silly girl!) 

He is just handsome as can be! Halen is crawling everywhere, he loves to chase his big sister, Madi, around the house. They have SO much fun playing together! Madi really loves being a big sister. She takes such good care of him! She gets his toys out for him, tells us when she thinks he needs something, gives him his blanket & binky when he is sad and will even share her own things with him! The cutest thing though has got to be.... she insists on giving him a kiss before each nap he takes and before he goes to bed at night! It's too super adorable! And, of course, Halen just thinks the world of Madi! Whenever he sees her he is nothing but big smiles. She can make him laugh like no one else! It's awesome to see them love each other SO much!! 

1 comment:

  1. So, Craig and Alex both have abnormally large heads, too. And Craig says that Carl's head is pretty large, too. It must be a Heinke gene. (Yeah, I am not looking forward to delivering a Heinke boy.) Thanks for the update!
